07941 321 772

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The Butterfly Yoga Trust is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company which has been set up with the main aim of providing yoga to people who would not usually have the opportunity to experience the benefits.

YogaBirth offers a full range of specialist classes for the child-bearing year; antenatal, post-natal, baby massage and partner workshops.

YOGA BANANAS™ is a fun approach to yoga that nevertheless incorporates all the elements of Hatha Yoga in a form that appeals to young children. YOGA BANANAS™ was established in 1998 by Vicky Oliver. Her teacher training programme helps school teachers and yoga teachers connect with children (including their inner child) in a profound and playful way.

Sallie Rose offers courses and private sessions in mindfulness meditation and supports you in setting up and maintaining your own mindfulness meditation practice.

Pure Dynamic Osteopathy provides a range of therapeutic treatments including Osteopathy, Sports massage and Modern Accupuncture.  We specialise in treating Back pain, improving core stability and promoting health.