Wednesday 9th April at 10am
Age: 4- 9 Years old (and a little bit either side)
Yoga has so many benefits that can be incorporated into a child’s development by giving them tools that will help them understand the elusive workings of their body and mind, through Asana’s (postures), breathing, voice work and relaxation helping them to become more confident and focused. Using yoga in a child’s life will help them to concentrate longer and discipline their minds to conquering overexcitement and hyperactivity, and you will notice a difference in the attention and focus of a child before and after a yoga session.
My approach to yoga for children is to encourage it as a form of play, by creating stories to help guide the children through the poses and letting them use their imagination in how to accomplish them. By doing so, helps them to retain their flexibility and strength as they grow which they can use throughout their daily lives.
Cost: £7per child/£5 sibling BOOK NOW
Location: Church House, 4 Wood Street, EN5 4BW